Saturday, October 29, 2011

what are you for halloween?

Here are a few of my favoritte looks for this year's halloween bash....
Firstly, some foil prints, black & white, animal prints, some studded bands and we are ready to pull off the 'Halloween Phantom' look. I am specially loving the foil printed skinny jeans from topshop. Also I think the Wristband from '' can be a go to accessory for a lot of other halloween looks, from goth to vampire and many more of the dark side...

The second look, that I personally have loved for a while now, is that of the 'dark angel'. I love the bad, rebellious, angel look not just for the sheer joy of getting to wear the wings ( my secret crush ) but also because I then get to play with my favorite colors purple and black. You can choose a mauve or an english grey (bluish grey) instead of the purple, but keeping it in the blue-to- purple family seems to work for the look.  I like the knit dress and the ripped leggings for this perticular concept. also check out the 'Muglar platform pumps' from ...

Lastly, my favorite look... the 'halloween Goth' or you can also twist the same a little to get to the 'halloween slut' outfit. I am in love with my IronFist shoes and totally going to incorporate them somehow for halloween. Although, living in South Africa (where it gets as hot as 36degrees during the day, this time of the year) I am not so sure on all the leather, this look demands... this black satin corset does seem like a better option than leather!

So...what are you for halloween?

1 comment:

joy said...

I like the dark angel costume! I don't know what I am going to be for halloween yet though :/