I am what I am....this week I have realised a few things...a few things I have always known...and there are some that keep evolving into bigger and better opportunities.
...here's a look at the world through my eyes.. I love RAINS but only on a cemented floor! hate the muddy footprints in my house ( or in my case more of the paw prints curtesy my dogs )... I love a STARRY NIGHT..and since I was a kid I have this passion that makes me sit for hours, staring into the night sky... figuring out the different constellations. sadly for me..this time of the year is full of clouds...( perfect weather to cuddle up with a hot cuppa coffee, though )... I loooovvveee ORIGAMY and ORCHIDS ( I would love to learn how to make an orchid in origamy... would end up making thousands in purple and filling up my room...oh and they would be with some silver dust on top! ).. I have this crazy fascination with purple and silver! hmm...
I know for a fact that when I grow old, I want to settle down in a BRICK HOUSE with giant window sills full of flowery plants... love that idea! Oh and....preferably in europe somewhere...HMMM! ( day dreaming now...) I love RAINBOWS!! And even though this is the age of the internet and everything electronic from computers to ipads to e-books...I only love to read books with a HARD COVER. In this regard, I am from the olden-golden era... love to smell my books!! I find, sometimes HALLOWEEN can be the one day, when you can actually be yourself ( at least for some people, I guess! you know how its easier potraying a bitch/ witch when you know that you are one... *wink ) Oh and lastly, I have never seen a snowy christmas.... never been in a country where it snows and never seen a snowfall...hmmm ( that's just sad ) hopefully soon though!! you never know! *smiles.
Anywh0! I am What I am!! Be who you are, regardless of criticisms and/or peer pressure! be yourself! be awesome!!
...here's a look at the world through my eyes.. I love RAINS but only on a cemented floor! hate the muddy footprints in my house ( or in my case more of the paw prints curtesy my dogs )... I love a STARRY NIGHT..and since I was a kid I have this passion that makes me sit for hours, staring into the night sky... figuring out the different constellations. sadly for me..this time of the year is full of clouds...( perfect weather to cuddle up with a hot cuppa coffee, though )... I loooovvveee ORIGAMY and ORCHIDS ( I would love to learn how to make an orchid in origamy... would end up making thousands in purple and filling up my room...oh and they would be with some silver dust on top! ).. I have this crazy fascination with purple and silver! hmm...
I know for a fact that when I grow old, I want to settle down in a BRICK HOUSE with giant window sills full of flowery plants... love that idea! Oh and....preferably in europe somewhere...HMMM! ( day dreaming now...) I love RAINBOWS!! And even though this is the age of the internet and everything electronic from computers to ipads to e-books...I only love to read books with a HARD COVER. In this regard, I am from the olden-golden era... love to smell my books!! I find, sometimes HALLOWEEN can be the one day, when you can actually be yourself ( at least for some people, I guess! you know how its easier potraying a bitch/ witch when you know that you are one... *wink ) Oh and lastly, I have never seen a snowy christmas.... never been in a country where it snows and never seen a snowfall...hmmm ( that's just sad ) hopefully soon though!! you never know! *smiles.
Anywh0! I am What I am!! Be who you are, regardless of criticisms and/or peer pressure! be yourself! be awesome!!
Love this, such a lovely post to read on a Monday morning!
Excellent positive energy post !!
Loved it !
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