Friday, August 12, 2011

Of life and Death...

I am a little shaken still. Those of you who follow me on twitter, might have read, that my grandmother, who wasn't keeping very well, at the age of 80 passed away on 10th evening. Still trying to pull myself back together, as I was her eldest and favorite grand daughter, I decided that it was best if I could distract myself with some work.
As I started browsing, I couldn't help but think of the last post I had done on halloween. I realised, that in my last post I had completely missed out on one of the most related color to halloween- purple! Symbolised as a color for evil and darkness, purple can be such a fun color to opt for this halloween, and mixed with black, creates fabulous looks. Black as well is a very common option to look out for halloween. Here are a few choices in clothes, jewelry and shoes for your looks this halloween.
PS. It might be a while before I get back on track and become regular at my blog. Till then kindly pray for strength to my family, as last year on the 7th of aug, my granddad passed away and this year it was my grandmom. Peace and health to all. xo.

1 comment:

Hannah Hawkshaw said...

I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. I hope you feel stronger soon.
But your blog is great and now I'm following!