Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Pilanesberg National Park
This easter weekend...I had awesome fun at the Pilanesburg nature reserve...went on a jungle safari in my car...and spotted such beautiful mammals...its a joy to see them so up close....reminds us of how gigantic the world is...and how many wonderful things there are to explore...
Pilanesberg Game Reserve is in the Bojanala Region of the North West Province, adjacent to Sun City. Set in the crater of a long extinct volcano, the Park ranks among the largest of the parks in South Africa (it is in fact the fourth largest park) and covers an area of 55 000 hectare.
The beauty of Pilanesberg is reflected in a large central lake, the Mankwe Dam.
Over time, wind and water have carved a spectacular landscape with rocky outcrops, open grasslands, wooded valleys and thickets.
Pilanesberg National Park accommodates virtually every mammal of southern Africa.

Here are a few pictures I took on my way...

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