Friday, August 29, 2008

let the world be filled with a rainbow sky !!!

I see a sunshine in your smile
I crave a lustrous wealthy high
I dream a risky dazzling life...
Let the world be filled with rainbow sky...

I smile, I cry....sometimes I shy
I yearn a mighty healing hi
I dread a heavy tearful bye...
I dream the world with rainbow sky...

How lucky would we be if the world got filled with rainbow sky for real, not just in terms of the colors but the spirit, the love and the romance of it all. The world would definately be a much better place to live your dreams... As I relax on this Saturday morning and pen down my thoughts with color and heart, this little rythm fills me with its love. The words just pour open in front of me as if I had known them for a lifetime. I draw an unusual illustration with the rainbow colors and at the end of it all, I am left with a very cheerful and light heart...ready to relax and take on the world with a full swing.

It feels like the beginning of a new phase in life, feels like a new positive me....well what all kinds of good thoughts can a nice long weekend that you got after ages leave you with...

Enjoy your weekend and celebrate it as the new beginning of a positive you... Have fun and Keep rocking...

Tina Colada

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